Thanks for coming out to Vol 2 Ed 1 of SDV

Hello Vancouver SD’ers!

On behalf of our team, I’d like to thank those who could join us for Volume 2 edition 1 of the Service Design Vancouver Meetup that took place on Sept 9th! We loved that we got to welcome quite a few new faces to our Meetup group and hope to continually build the Service Design community.

With new and existing members at the first meet up of the new season, it was really great to have the opportunity to get the opportunity to connect with each Continue reading

Service Design Vancouver | Thinks & Drinks JULY 8, 2014

Hello all!

As most meet up events go on hiatus for the summer to enjoy the gorgeous and short-lived summers we have here, we thought we would have a social to keep-in-touch at the very least.

Come, socialise, network, bond, and share stories. Bring a colleague, bring a friend. Come one, come all.

In order for us to figure which venue best suits, so that we can get a clear idea on # of people interested in attending, please RSVP by July 2nd, using the link below.

Look forward to seeing you!

Service Design Vancouver | Thinks & Drinks – Service Design Thinking Vancouver (Vancouver, BC) – Meetup.